Zero-shot cross-lingual named entity recognition (NER) aims at transferring knowledge from annotated and rich-resource data in source languages to unlabeled and lean-resource data in target languages. Existing mainstream methods based on the teacher-student distillation framework ignore the rich and complementary information lying in the intermediate layers of pre-trained language models, and domain-invariant information is easily lost during transfer. In this study, a mixture of short-channel distillers (MSD) method is proposed to fully interact the rich hierarchical information in the teacher model and to transfer knowledge to the student model sufficiently and efficiently. Concretely, a multi-channel distillation framework is designed for sufficient information transfer by aggregating multiple distillers as a mixture. Besides, an unsupervised method adopting parallel domain adaptation is proposed to shorten the channels between the teacher and student models to preserve domain-invariant features. Experiments on four datasets across nine languages demonstrate that the proposed method achieves new state-of-the-art performance on zero-shot cross-lingual NER and shows great generalization and compatibility across languages and fields.
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Depth estimation is usually ill-posed and ambiguous for monocular camera-based 3D multi-person pose estimation. Since LiDAR can capture accurate depth information in long-range scenes, it can benefit both the global localization of individuals and the 3D pose estimation by providing rich geometry features. Motivated by this, we propose a monocular camera and single LiDAR-based method for 3D multi-person pose estimation in large-scale scenes, which is easy to deploy and insensitive to light. Specifically, we design an effective fusion strategy to take advantage of multi-modal input data, including images and point cloud, and make full use of temporal information to guide the network to learn natural and coherent human motions. Without relying on any 3D pose annotations, our method exploits the inherent geometry constraints of point cloud for self-supervision and utilizes 2D keypoints on images for weak supervision. Extensive experiments on public datasets and our newly collected dataset demonstrate the superiority and generalization capability of our proposed method.
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Intrinsic motivation is a promising exploration technique for solving reinforcement learning tasks with sparse or absent extrinsic rewards. There exist two technical challenges in implementing intrinsic motivation: 1) how to design a proper intrinsic objective to facilitate efficient exploration; and 2) how to combine the intrinsic objective with the extrinsic objective to help find better solutions. In the current literature, the intrinsic objectives are all designed in a task-agnostic manner and combined with the extrinsic objective via simple addition (or used by itself for reward-free pre-training). In this work, we show that these designs would fail in typical sparse-reward continuous control tasks. To address the problem, we propose Constrained Intrinsic Motivation (CIM) to leverage readily attainable task priors to construct a constrained intrinsic objective, and at the same time, exploit the Lagrangian method to adaptively balance the intrinsic and extrinsic objectives via a simultaneous-maximization framework. We empirically show, on multiple sparse-reward continuous control tasks, that our CIM approach achieves greatly improved performance and sample efficiency over state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, the key techniques of our CIM can also be plugged into existing methods to boost their performances.
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我们证明,乐观的循环范围的领导者(oftrl)以及平滑的价值更新,发现了一个$ o(t^{ - 1})$ - $ t tum迭代中的nash平衡,用于两种播放器零 - 总和马尔可夫游戏提供完整的信息。这改善了$ \ tilde {o}(t^{ - 5/6})$收敛率最近在Paper Zhang等人(2022)中显示。精致的分析取决于两种基本要素。首先,在马尔可夫游戏中,这两个玩家的遗憾虽然不一定像普通形式的游戏一样不受负责。该属性使我们能够绑定学习动力学的二阶路径长度。其次,我们证明了对Oftrl部署的权重剃须的额外的$ \ log t $因子的权重。这种至关重要的改进实现了导致最终$ O(t^{ - 1})$ rate的归纳分析。
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在这份技术报告中,我们介绍了数字写作助手(高效且智能编辑),该助手通过使用人工智能(AI)技术来促进用户更有效地编写更高质量的文本。以前的写作助理通常提供错误检查的功能(以检测和纠正拼写和语法错误)和有限的文本练习功能。随着大型神经语言模型的出现,一些系统支持自动完成句子或段落。在Effidit中,我们通过提供五个类别的功能来显着扩展写作助手的能力:文本完成,错误检查,文本抛光,关键字到句子(K2S)和云输入方法(Cloud IME)。在文本完成类别中,Effidit支持基于生成的句子完成,基于检索的句子完成和短语完成。相比之下,到目前为止,许多其他写作助理仅提供三个功能中的一两个。对于文本抛光,我们具有三个函数:(上下文感知)短语抛光,句子释义和句子扩展,而其他许多写作助手通常会在此类别中支持一两个功能。本报告的主要内容包括象征的主要模块,实施这些模块的方法以及一些关键方法的评估结果。
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基于信息瓶颈(IB)的多视图学习提供了一种信息理论原则,用于寻找异质数据描述中包含的共享信息。但是,它的巨大成功通常归因于估计网络变得复杂时棘手的多元互助信息。此外,表示折衷的表示,{\ it},预测压缩和足够的一致性权衡,使IB难以同时满足这两个要求。在本文中,我们设计了几种变分信息瓶颈,以利用两个关键特征({\ it,即},充分性和一致性)用于多视图表示学习。具体而言,我们提出了一种多视图变量蒸馏(MV $^2 $ d)策略,以通过给出观点的任意输入,但没有明确估算它,从而为拟合MI提供了可扩展,灵活和分析的解决方案。在严格的理论保证下,我们的方法使IB能够掌握观测和语义标签之间的内在相关性,从而自然产生预测性和紧凑的表示。同样,我们的信息理论约束可以通过消除任务 - 求核和特定信息的信息来有效地中和对异质数据的敏感性,从而阻止在多种视图情况下两种权衡。为了验证理论上的策略,我们将方法应用于三种不同应用下的各种基准。广泛的定量和定性实验证明了我们对最新方法的方法的有效性。
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为了支持各种任务和处理不同的飞行环境,无人机控制程序通常提供可配置的控制参数。但是,这种灵活性引入了漏洞。最近已识别出一种称为范围规范错误的这种漏洞。该漏洞起源于即使每个单独的参数在推荐值范围内接收值,也可能影响无人机物理稳定性的某些组合。在本文中,我们开发了一种新颖的学习引导的搜索系统来寻找这样的组合,即我们称之为不正确的配置。我们的系统应用了Metaheuristic Search算法突变配置,以检测将无人机驱动到不稳定物理状态的值的配置参数。为了引导突变,我们的系统利用机器学习预测因子作为健身评估。最后,通过利用多目标优化,我们的系统基于突变搜索结果返回可行的范围。由于在我们的系统中,突变由预测器引导,评估参数配置不需要现实/仿真执行。因此,我们的系统支持全面但有效地检测不正确的配置。我们对我们的系统进行了实验评估。评估结果表明,该系统成功地报告了可能不正确的配置,其中85%以上导致实际不稳定的物理状态。
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提供了一种强大而灵活的模型,可用于代表多属数据和多种方式相互作用,在科学和工程中的各个领域中发挥着现代数据科学中的不可或缺的作用。基本任务是忠实地以统计和计算的有效方式从高度不完整的测量中恢复张量。利用Tucker分解中的张量的低级别结构,本文开发了一个缩放的梯度下降(Scaledgd)算法,可以直接恢复具有定制频谱初始化的张量因子,并表明它以与条件号无关的线性速率收敛对于两个规范问题的地面真理张量 - 张量完成和张量回归 - 一旦样本大小高于$ n ^ {3/2} $忽略其他参数依赖项,$ n $是维度张量。这导致与现有技术相比的低秩张力估计的极其可扩展的方法,这些方法具有以下至少一个缺点:对记忆和计算方面的对不良,偏移成本高的极度敏感性,或差样本复杂性保证。据我们所知,Scaledgd是第一算法,它可以同时实现近最佳统计和计算复杂性,以便与Tucker分解进行低级张力完成。我们的算法突出了加速非耦合统计估计在加速非耦合统计估计中的适当预处理的功率,其中迭代改复的预处理器促进轨迹的所需的不变性属性相对于低级张量分解中的底层对称性。
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